Credit Inc.
The Bronx is the most underbanked borough in NYC, with the lowest ratio of banks per capita. But despite the paucity of services, the South Bronx has a growing small business community that’s owned and operated primarily by minority individuals, and SoBro is ready to help meet their needs.

Banking Assistance for Bronx Small Businesses
Credit Inc. is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) whose mission is to increase access to credit for small businesses in the South Bronx through innovative financial products and services and to advance the economic well-being of residents and businesses through financial literacy education. The Credit Inc. fund is not restricted to any population demographic, but we primarily serve minority- and women-owned businesses.

Credit Inc. administers a revolving loan fund that extends credit in amounts ranging from $1,000–$20,000 to small businesses in the South Bronx with the purpose of providing access to capital to underserved businesses that traditionally are unable to obtain financing from conventional sources. Our goal is to work with small businesses through micro-lending and technical assistance to support sustainability so that businesses are able to become bankable.
During the 2020 pandemic crisis, Credit Inc. is providing extensive COVID technical assistance for small businesses along with financial literacy opportunities for entrepreneurs through webinars and Zoom meetings.